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Organic Avocado Fertilizer
Organic Avocado Tree Care Kit
Package Includes:
1x half a pound of Gypsum Repackaged in Zip bag

1x Half a pound of Sustane Organic Slow Release Fertilizer 8-2-4 Repackaged in zip bag

1xHalf pound of Surraound WP Protectant Repackaged in zip bag


For information about each of these products please check the describtions below:


Surround WP

Derived from kaolin clay, a natural mineral, Surround WP forms a barrier film that acts as a broad spectrum crop protectant. It is labeled to control insect pests and disease, while protecting against sunburn and heat stress.

The kaolin clay coats the plants with a white powder film that acts in several ways to deter pests. It creates a hostile environment for insects and mites, the particles adhere to the insects acting as a strong irritant and the film creates a physical barrier to insects like psylla.

The material is porous, which allows the important process of gas exchange to occur. In addition, Surround WP helps prevent sunburn damage and can enhance fruit coloring.

  • Use on trees such as apples, pears, peaches, citrus, avocado, berries and some field crops.


Suståne 8-2-4

is a natural organic slow-release fertilizer that provides a high amount of organic nitrogen for lasting plant nutrition.


Suståne 8-2-4 natural and organic fertilizer which provides a balanced feed that promotes a rapid and vigorous vegetative establishment with 6 - 12 weeks of nitrogen in the organic slow-release form. Suståne replenishes the soil with a rich supply of humus (stabilized organic matter) and all of the primary, secondary and minor nutrients essential for quality growth. Suståne 8-2-4 provides a combination of dense plant nutrients and organic substances derived from biologically stable compost plus natural sulfate of potash and feather meal.

Suståne 8-2-4 provides a safe, simple, and cost-effective feeding solution for all types of crops. 8-2-4 provides balanced nutrition from seed through harvest. Suståne 8-2-4 is the perfect fertilizer for when you need significant quantities of organic slow-release nitrogen with low burn potential. Great for specialty crop production in high-quality soils or potting mixes.

Suståne 8-2-4 is a complete package fertilizer containing Slow Release Nitrogen, chelated micronutrients, organic phosphorous, and humic substances. Suståne 8-2-4 has been demonstrated time and again to surpass synthetic turf starter fertilizers and other sources of humates and plant biostimulants.

Recommended Use:

For use in the production of certified organic gardens, turfgrass and landscape maintenance, greenhouse bedding plants and annual establishment, erosion control, native reestablishment, and soil reclamation and remediation.

Benefits of Suståne 8-2-4

  • Rich in humic acids
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions
  • Promotes greater root development
  • ....



Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal, and sulfate of potash.
*7.2% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and feather meal




 Gypsum Garden Soil Softener helps improve soil conditions. Gypsum allows for a deep, healthy root development and water penetration. It can be an effective fertilizer, providing calcium and sulfur to soils without increasing the pH.

  • Use to condition soil and allow for deep, healthy root development and water penetration
  • Breaks up soils compacted by sodium and clay to allow for better growing conditions
  • Gypsum counteracts acidic soils
  • Provides calcium and sulfur to plants to promote strong growth
  • Amends nutritional tie-up and makes essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash, iron and zinc available

Organic Avocado Tree Care Kit : 1/2 Lb of each ( Surround - Gypsum - Sustane)

Price Options
One-time purchase
Care Kit - Seasonal
Subscribe and Save %10
$52.02every 3 months for 12 months
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