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Avocado Klatch #2: Bought the second one! (author: M)


No conclusion, this is how this post will be. So if you’re in search of how to care, feed and harvest your avocado tree/s then you may read the posts written by author H in the blog section of this website. Here though I’m gonna share what I thought and did for the avocado trees last week. I bought my first chainsaw of Amazon couple years ago to prune and shape the big Fuerte and cut back some other trees that were competing. The saw was powered by an electric motor and battery and after reading all reviews I was convinced that it has enough power to get the job done. I also ordered protective equipment and performed a research to make sure I use the saw safely.

The battery powered chainsaw

The first cut was done on Wisteria that had grown more that it should. After that it was the continuous act of charging batteries, sharpening the chain and putting tons of energy to cut small to medium size branches which was not easy at all.

Last week I was thinking to find out which tool I can buy to make the tree care process easier/faster(of course not because I just wanted to buy a new tool!) and boom! A gas chainsaw! More power, faster and could have lots of use. Right? So I started reading, watching YouTube videos, calling dealers and writing down pros and cons of each model and sooner than you think I was in the car driving to the dealership to pick up a saw. As I get to the store I saw a white sign on the door saying”The store is closed due to flooding”, what?! Talked with the manager and the only things I found out were that the store could benefit from a more cooperative manager and I can’t buy my saw from this store on that day. Drove to couple other locations and none had the saw I wanted.

Drove back home for lunch and as I was parking the car, a store 30miles from home picked up the phone and had the saw and was closing in one hour and 10min. Make the story short; I bought my new gas chainsaw after keeping the owners in the store 1 hour more than the time they wanted to close.

The new gas powered chainsaw

It was like buying a new car; talking horsepower, weight, speed, handing, model,… I kinda almost ask the guy if I can do a test drive/cut. Tested the saw right there and we chatted about avocado trees, traffic and….

Now I have a brand new chainsaw and couple other accessories to operate and the old electric saw can sit in the storage room and hear how the new one is doing the job perfectly.

Both Chainsaws side by side

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